I finally captured the elusive S.O.U.S. (Squirrel Of Unusual Size) on film (well, camera phone, but whatever).
I would like you to please note a few things:
1. The S.O.U.S.'s body is as big as my foot
2. My foot is a size 8
3. He is not scared of me
4. It's possible he's thinking of attacking me
5. He probably told his cousin, on the other side of the park, to chase me. And chase me, his cousin did. Thankfully, I outran him.
6. I'm pretty sure that's Canada goose poop beside the menace.
I can't believe you were able to get that close to him!! He looks mighty healthy.
I find it even odder that this little guy's 'cousin' actually chased you! We see squirrels everyday in the woodland just behind our back door and they're terrified creatures! The closest they've ever come is eating food from our bird house, but if we catch them they run in the opposite direction, never towards us. VERY unusual squirrels indeeed, lol!
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